Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Masking the Evidence

Hi everyone!
One of the things I never talk about in my entries is the masks I use. So last night as I was checking out at Target and thought to myself, "this would be fun to blog about!" So here we are!
Now, I don't know how many of you like to do facial masks with the different gel, clay, and mud's you can find in stores today, but what I know is that there are good cheap masks out there that are very good for your skin and it is just a matter of branching out and seeing what they can do for you!

To begin, you obviously want to get your hair out of your face. I found this cute spa elastic headband at Target for like $4.99 so naturally I couldn't help myself and had to get it! (See Mrs. Costello, who needs draping ;)) Once my hair is pulled back, I always like to take my makeup off so that I am applying the mask directly to my skin and not hours old makeup.

Next comes the mask. I love this one in particular because it isn't only replenishing, but I also feel like when I remove it my pore sizes are reduced; and that's what we all want right?! Another great thing about this mask is that not only was it like $1.29 at Target, but the Que Bella line is almost all natural so it's really good for you. I know it would be better if it were all organic but sadly, it's not. However, finding an all organic mask is my next mission and I will be sure to share one when I come across it!

Okay, so for the application part, I simply used my fingers and applied it to my entire face. I know some people don't like to put it around their eyes, but I always find it to feel rejuvenating and I have never had a problem removing it from those tight areas.
I left this mask on for about 20 minutes while I put my other groceries away. That's the great thing about masks at home, while you're trying to relax your skin, you can be doing other things as well!

Removal: I use a warm damp wash cloth and I simply wipe it away and when the cloth feels "full" I rinse it under the water and use it again.
*Be sure to be gentle though because some cloths are very rough and can irritate your skin while removing the mask.

Here is my after picture with no makeup on! When you read the back of the package it says, "... and refresh your tired skin." Honestly, I feel as though it does just that! After this clay mask I always feel confident to go into public without any makeup on because my skin simply looks and feels that great!

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