We all struggle with glueing on fake eyelashes. So hopefully this tutorial will help you understand how to do it and if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email me! (click on my name on the homepage, and then in my info there is an email link i believe, click on that and send me your questions!) PS: don't judge my bathroom! Haha! I just moved into a new house and I still haven't got everything put away!
So when you take all of your pictures on your ipad and have to hold it with both hands, you have to get creative on how to hold your products and take pictures! So these are my favorite eyelashes from sephora and i typically buy all of my lashes from there. They are just great quality and they are pretty!
The three things you will need (that i think you need if we're being clear): a pair of tweezers, obviously a pair of eyelashes, and glue (I love the DUO glue from sephora! That stuff stays on all day long! Also, it dries clear so if you do get it all over your lid, once it is dry you cannot tell.).
Step 1: put a thin line of glue on the lashes. To do this, simply squeeze the tube enough to where the glue is about to come out but not flowing over the sides and apply it to the lashes.
So many times I forget to do that and then I get glue everywhere and the lashes refuse to stay on you.
Step 3: using tweezers, hold the lashes upside down where the edge with the glue is facing your eyelid. Then set the lashes down on your lash line.
Step 4: using the tweezers still, you can grab the lashes and put them into place. For me, to get them to stay down in my inner eye, I usually have to use the tweezers and hold the lashes down for about 10 seconds just to make sure the glue sets and begins to dry in that position. You don't want the glue drying while the lashes are sitting on your real ones because then they are uncomfortable and will drive you crazy all day long and inevitably you will just pull them off.
Hint: it is okay to use your fingers to put the lashes into place on your outer eyelid. The tweezers just help with your inner eye so that you can grab more without pulling on your own lashes.
On this eye, I did them incorrectly. Can you tell where? I set them down with the tweezers and held my inner lashes into place while they dried. But that was it. You can see in the middle of my eyelid where the fake lashes are nowhere near my real lashes. Be careful of this gap. It is easy to happen. When this does happen, peel the fake lashes off and simply reapply them.
HINT HINT: to make your lashes last longer, when you take them off at the end of the day, use your tweezers to pull off the glue because once it dries, it will look a lot like rubber cement and once you pull that off, you can reuse them!
And these lashes are done correctly :) They are very close to my real lashes and when you look down you can see they are against my skin, not resting on my real lashes.
Good luck! If you have any questions, please email me! xoxo
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